All my buddies left me for virtual strippers! I'm all alone... On the bright side i did VoG with a bunch of randoms, and we cleared without getting a single wipe, and quicker than I ever achieved with my ditching friends. On the downside. I got hardly anybody to play destiny with now, so I'm kinda not looking forward to future content since I'll be doing it most likely with people I don't know.
Then again, half my irl that are console gamers have the attention span of a monkey. Hard workers, but quit when the banana won't peel the way they want it.
Another upside, I get to release the beast within me, and equip the ugliest cape i own without being criticized.... That's bout... At least I don't have to wait for hours for everybody to pick up bounties and pointlessly jump around now that I'm alone.
time for you to fap & you want in in my clan ?