New exotics, new legendary armour, weapons etc. Warlocks have 3 new exotic helmets and Starfire protocol looks amazing. What do you like out of the list? =D
The future of destiny is only starting.
I noticed Fate of All fools is not on the new list. Have they kept it special and removed it for that new Scout?
New exotic abilities seem very interesting. I like the one that can confuse people after a revive for Sunsingers.
New link: (Thanks to Alpha Lupi for letting me know)
I would be extremely disappointed if the DLC guns are like 1000000 times more powerful than the most powerful weapon already available in the game. It would give players with the DLC an extremely unfair advantage. I've experienced this with Ghost Recon FS, where I didn't purchase the DLC and the people who did, all had the F2000, which was like amazing compared to the best weapon in base game...