How better? Power efficiency? Thinness? Sure, I'll give you those.
Producing the darkest black? I'll trade the improved picture quality over a cooler running, cheaper, slimmer TV. Modern LCDs are really great, but you can't beat a plasma TV in my opinion. The technology just doesn't work for a 4k, reasonable TV, where the layers of LCD work much easier. If only OLEDs would continue to get cheaper! Then we can all bask in the truly great TV experience...until the next best thing comes out!
The only thing less productive than a console argument is a LCD versus Plasma. People get defensive of their $1,000+ purchases more so than their $400+ gaming purchases..
From what I've read OLEDs have the same level of burn-in and image retention problems as Plasmas. So kind of a wash IMHO. Image quality IS breath taking on plasmas but they are not very practical for most gamers (ones who play more than 1.5hrs a day) due to the issues above. And what I've read so far it looks like OLED will be the same. I was pumped for them too, till I came across that bit of info.
But if your going to game on it LCD and make sure it has a high refresh rate and you wont be disappointed