I've been playing destiny since launch and have had a wonderful time in it, but the fact that you can't equip more than one exotic in PVE makes me very annoyed. I get why you can't in PVP, it would be too OP. But why not PVE? In PVE you are fighting AI, not other people. No one will complain about it being over powered or not fair, and when you want to go into crucible it would tell you to have at most one exotic equipped in each column. I think this would be a great idea because it would reduce the time spent waiting for the inventory to load to swap out exotics, and it would make the classes a lot more diverse when doing strikes, raids, missions, and patrols.
What's everybody elses' opinion on this?
Coz bungie are incapable of separating pve & pvp! look @ this weapons debarkle all for pvp you don't see pve'ers asking for nerfs yet we get them anyway!