You say you "earned" your exotic pixels because some random enemy just so happen to fumble it when owned them with your badassness...One time..... I say you won the random lottery that is RNG... The only people "earning" exotics are the people who play countless missions until they've gotten lucky enough to collect RNG strange coins... One exotic=1 drop. 17 strange coins=Only God knows how many drops... You can't earn 17 strange coins in one mission. However, an exotic drop may occur during your first mission... Now tell me who's earning the exotics? The lucky guy who gets the exotic after beating one mission, (that he probably piggy backed with better to win) Or the guys who's playing enough to stack his coins to purchase an exotic. Again, exotic drop=1 mission. 17 strange coins=a minimum of 17 missions...
I've gotten the Red Death twice from 2 legendary engrams that i received from 2 daily heroic story end rewards, in a row. Everything's completely random. If you want a way to determine drop rates get about 600 dice and roll them all, to determine every factor of the drop. For Xûr, roll a die for every exotic in the game, (currently & excluding bounty weapons) and then add 20 more for classes of weapons and character classes of armor (considering the armor is of one type for all three classes of characters {all arms, legs, etc}) Or just hail RNGesus and The flying Spaghetti Monster for luck in your toils.