originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 I
In your individual experience what's the best way of getting Ascendant shards, Raid? Nightfall? I'm really struggling to get enough to get past 27
Cheers for the advice
PSN Legacyaxis
All i get from raids is shards public events gold tier normally drop shards and vanguard strike tiger good chance of dropping
Raid will give a bunch, and farming events. You can by vanguard gear to shard also, but once your raiding regular you shouldn't have to worry to much about em Monkey
The raid and daily heroics are good sources. You also have a chance with public events as well as a guaranteed ascendant material/sc/mol for the first gold tier one of the day. You can buy the exotic engram from Xur and break it down and do the same with items earned with marks and leveling ranks through crucible and vanguard bounties. Before the weekend I had 98, partly because I'm struggling with raid gear.
I have a 104 now as i cant get the armour i need ! Do the daily on lvl 28 nd 1 gold public event each day and they start to mount up. Raid dishes ascendant materials too. Also buy legendary boots/gauntlets for 65 vanguard/crucible marks then dismantle