I read for a living. I'm not looking to read more OUTSIDE of this video game just to understand fundamental things about the world I'm playing in. And for those who didn't cheese Atheon, the Mythoclast was hard earned. For those who did cheese Atheon, they deserved it just for being clever. You're trolling for the sake of trolling.
The story was just my opinion... All though i do agree it does lack until the cards are read. Mythoclast and pocket infinity are just overpowered. Op period... I looked up a youtube video on how to cheese atheon, damn that was hard to figure out, i had to type in a url, search and press enter then press play and wipe my forehead...
Hahahaha yo cheese Atheon off with the new patch and post a video. Lmk when it's uploaded.
The mythoclast was already nerfed it's fine the way it is