Now look, we all know Destiny has many flaws and fell short of expectations, but my lord! The amount of complaining on the forums is absurd. It's like people think that the forums are their own personal psychiatrist.
I understand threads about what is wrong with Destiny and how to fix it, or ideas of improving Destiny, but those are constructive and an example of the community trying to improve their, and others, experience, and it's hopefully the posts that DeeJ and others from the Bungie community team look at and report back to the devs.
I can confidently say that the rest of the forum members do not want to hear your problems and get tired of seeing the same complaint threads over and over.
[/complaint post about complaining]
It wouldn't be so bad if it was something resembling constructive criticism vs the childish special snowflake entitlement threads these forums produce on a daily basis.