I would like to know of it is offensive to Americans when someone in a fireteam party says "Merica!" or refers to one as a "Murican". And not also when playing Destiny but also in this forum. I am not from the U.S. so I would like to know.
Last night doing the raid one party member blew himself up by firing a rocket launcher directly inside a Titan's shield, and when he laughed someone else said "...that's not funny...it may be to you because you hail from Murica!"... and I thought that was funny but did not laugh because silence ensued. Everyone kept quiet about it.
So is it an offense? The internet tells me Americans like to joke about it too, but I dont know if its the same as being called a bitch or an idiot.
Any thoughts?
I use it all the time and no worries it is a joke for most
Nope.. It's not offensive
Lol no . And if someone is upset about "merica" tell them to grow the f up
I like making fun of myself, and my country, so no, it's not offensive. Then again, I'm offended by almost nothing.
American here. I don't take it offensively. It's either a) a reference to our funny American speech or b) a reference to country folks, their guns, and their beer
Considering how many fire-teams I've been in where the "Muricans" are obsessed with my accent, The rule of thumb should be if they can dish it, they can take it.
No... Its not an insult, its more of a joke
You were in the wrong group my friend. For the most part no one cares. I know I don't. Much like our Canadian neighbors, we learned long ago that it's a joke. Though we aren't on the best of terms with them now after they sent us Justin Bieber... That's how they getcha. The are all nice and mannerly to you till you let you guard down. They have your trust now. You are weak and vulnerable. Bam! Now your stuck with an egotistical teenage shit head. It's like bein mesmerized by the flashy lights of Las Vegas and coming home with herpies.. What were we talking about again??
Someone is always going to be offended with something said! Im sure I offend asian people when i yell, "What does a ninja got to do to get some orange chicken up in here!" And im a ninja!
Edited by jerkcore: 11/14/2014 10:17:01 PMWhat someone finds offensive is subjective, there's no way to know if one person will be offended more or less than another person. My advice on mic: if you're having a good time and not intent on insulting people, then say what you want. Now, addressing the use of rockets in VoG: just don't. Machine guns only, much more reliable, and no accidents.
It's not offensive to me. If anything it's just getting old. Was a chuckle at first. Now it just gets a groan and eyeroll. Kinda like its s thing the "cool kids" do. It's lost it novelty.
It's like the"N" word. Spelling is everything. When it's spelled "Murica" it's ok but if you spell it "Merica" then your a hateful bigoted xenophobe. Cheers!!
Edited by cesar0s: 11/14/2014 8:01:47 PM'MURICA is a term of endearment...its used in jest. Nobody cares how you use it though really. That guy was just upset because that FREEDOMLAUNCHER got its AwesomeSauce all over his white flag.
Edited by Elazul: 11/14/2014 10:06:16 PMI'm an American and I use the term 'Murica to make fun of my redneck bretheren from the South. Go right ahead and use it IMO. Don't forget to have some banjo noises in the background also... lmao...
Who gives a shit? Why waste time writing that whole thing out lol?
Hilarious - u.s. military
No, but referring to people who live south of Pennsylvania as Yankees is fightin' words.
I don't know what your talking aboot eh? Oh and sorry
All words need to be examined in context. It can be endearment. It can be derogatory. Context, people.
I'm American and say it all the time when shit like that happens lol
Well im a American so I love guns, explosions, and tits. But honestly 'Merica doesn't offend (I would bet) even one of us. It's not meant to be derogatory. I often use it in extreme acts of being a american. Like trying to jump your truck over a pool with a home built ramp. That's 'Merica.
To Americans yes. To stupid worthless children that plague this great nation? Nope
Edited by Wou Fewwigno: 11/14/2014 9:48:41 PMThe people who it offends are probably just over sensitive. I understand the stereotype. As a whole Americans are fairly ignorant. [spoiler]I'm American. Though I'd love to move to Toronto.[/spoiler] If someone gets butt hurt just laugh at them. If someone can't make fun of themself or take a joke then they deserve a good mocking at the hands of their betters.