For me the problem is not how you obtain it. It's all luck in the RNG. You however did put in the effort to get that reward. My problem is that you've taken something rare and special and made it common. What is the fun of feeling like everyone else? I'm not saying that because I had this gun before xur sold it that I earned it and I'm better. I'm saying that it made me feel special, not better. There is not point in all being the same that's lame and boring. It's being something different by pure luck that makes this game fun. It isn't fun if all thirties look the same and wield the same gun. That is the problem is nothing is rare. Nothing is special. So what is the point in playing if I can wait the next week to get another rare exotic? There isn't.
Exactly! Exotics should live up to their name should they not? On a side note, I've had The Last Word and I'm totally not against others wanting to have it, but damn Xur sells his shite cheap. I can stockpile enough coins for 2-3 items from Xur in a week or two.
Yea I just don't think exotics should be sold it's more or less like yellow items are now the least rare
Yeah, there is more excitement it seems when I do get a really good drop. Selling it kills novelty
And the desire to play. It's like in halo 3 they just decided to gift the recon helmet to anyone who played. Makes it invaluable and common and boring. It kinda sucks
Oh man, I couldn't tell you how much time and effort went into doing the Vidmaster Challenges. You hit the nail on the head with that!