I didn't know about The Last If Us until about a week before it was released. I saw Naughty Dog and assumed Amy Henning was involved. I was sadly disappointed when I found out she's left the company. I still hold out a little hope somewhere in the back of my bag of hope that another Legacy Of Kain game will get made (with her at the helm). Oh and I liked the last of us, despite hating zombie movies/games, so that's saying something.
Is the remastered version worth trading in my PS3 version?
Edited by Shurshacker: 1/30/2015 12:04:03 AMNaw, man. It was damn fine as my first experience though. I think you get the most hi res bang from the remastered cut scenes so that wouldn't justify "upgrading." You be the judge, though. Here's a pretty good [url=http://www.gamespot.com/videos/should-you-upgrade-to-the-new-3ds/2300-6422443/]side-by-side comparison[/url] from Gamespot.
Thanks for the help. Saved me some money.
the beginning made me cry
Yes, one of the greatest gaming experiences I've had in awhile. No other game have I had such strong feelings for the characters.
Yes bump true give him a medal high five
one of the greatest games ever made
The original was great since it wasn't a cash grab, but it's a fantastic game nevertheless.
Yeah, I totally get the grab aspect. I never got to enjoy it on the PS3 so Remastered floored me.
Edited by JayJ9Nine: 11/15/2014 2:31:44 PMI think I'm getting remastered for my birthday, never played it originally and I hear among remasters. it's still pretty good.
Critics definitely adore it.