Wow. Another stupid post. So, ur an earner huh? U got lucky w ur 4, yes 4 raids (probably the aetheon glitch). I have 30 gear, 2 vex etc etc etc. I do not have the gjallahorn tho and have seen it drop in 5 times in this past nightfalls and hard raids. If Xur is selling it, im buying. Btw, ive been successful on 34 raids. U should dismantle the exotic armor u bought from Xur and go back to being a 28. U are undesreving to be a 30.
You've only completed raid 30 times
85 raids? Are u a tour guide. U did a lot of work, whether u want to explain otr not is cool. Im just glad i wasnt a lock during that 3 week stretch. Lol. Its all good.
I busted my butt to lvl 30 ... keep working bud and you'll get yolohorn
4 raids. U busted nothing. U got carried. I repeat, 4 raids. Check my stats. Ur not on my lvl 30. Ur a fraud. Like i said. Dismantle everything u bought from Xur. U dont deserve a 30