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11/13/2014 9:52:27 PM
Why would thorn need more bullets? that would make it's ability for final round useless or weaker. a 6 round mag with final round is perfect. if the mag were 10 rounds you would never see the bonus from final round, sure, you could change the ability and extend the mag size but if youre not going to change the final round ability the mag size needs to be low. I DO use thorn. almost fully grown too. Its a good gun, i liked TDYK alot. but the mark of the devourer is invaluable in all content. this is why i think some commenters are on the unintelligent side. the DoT whether it stacks or not slows and prevents recovery while you're reloading. and in higher content that is a priceless ability. I do think the reload speed sucks that should for sure be fixed. besides the reload speed I would like to see a boost to final rounds ability, double damage on last bullet would make this really stand out. Typing on a laptop IDC about typos.

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