We all know the only way to earn gear is to put in the time and get it from raids or strikes etc from engrams.
Why do people persist to say getting coins is earning the exotics. They might as well put up a free sign and just have Santa Xur give you what ever you want while sitting on his lap.
Basically your a mouth breathing casual if your buying the trash from Xur. People need to put in the work and go do a raid for once in their life. You know a boss fight .. derp
People complaing about stuck at 29 are in the same casual boat. Do work like us 30's did you lazies. We weren't sitting at Xur feet waiting for scraps... we were killing bosses
Edit* Last word gone due to its now trash being Xur sold it. Dismantled for energies
Edit* Mida gone due to Xur selling it. Dismantled for energies. (Running out of earner weapons Xur!)
Looks like my main weaps will be VoC, P foil , thunderlord from here on. Still few earner weapons left !! KEEP FLEXING BROS WE WILL OVER COME!!
Edited by Sack Of Dongles: 11/14/2014 2:03:41 AMBecause I'm drunk....and watching South Park, I say " Boooooo Wendy Testaburger....Boooooo"! Still, I love the responses ;)
I have to use xur. Out of the 4 days of game time, 5 nightfalls, 1 raid, close to 80 strikes, and countless bounties, I've only gotten raid gauntlets, boots and a helm from dead orbit, and two shotguns ALL LEGENDARY. I need xur since RNGesus seems to be a douche that won't cut me a break!
Obvious troll is obvious -100/10
Flame bait
I'm sure we al use xür and we all get drops
Your hashtag saved you from my wrath.
Edited by xvxOTTOxvx: 11/14/2014 2:38:54 AMIf you really want to be a technical douche then think about this: to earn something is to perform a task in return for some form of compensation. Running strikes to make sacrifice to RNGeebus. Or running strikes/patrols to make sacrifice to xur. Who's not earning something either way? I have exotics from both methods. Am I a double earner? Why don't you switch over to the cod forums Meg. Edit: Got so mad didn't see the sarcasm tag...
This topic is retarded, and that second last sentence.... why are you retarded?
Read the tags God-Blam-It
I'll just leave that there. Bye now.
Was about to reply harshly until I saw the tag. You lucky.
Edited by Ben: 11/14/2014 1:33:22 AMFunny stuff.
I was about to rant then saw the sarcasm tag. Fell for it!
Lmfao. You sound like the kind of person who when younger would strike deals with your mommy like, "if I make my bed and clean my room you will buy me this new video game?" And when completed you would say, "YES! I EARNED IT! IM A BIG BOY!" But you still think when people grow up and get their own job and WORK for the CURRENCY it costs to buy things they want, because unfortunately the world doesn't just HAND them out like RNG, it's not earning it. You. Are. An idiot.
>Takes game too seriously >As obviously Brought from Xur before
Don't forget we [b]EARN[/b] Strange coins to buy Xurs items so yet we do earn them. Nuff said
Some are luckier than others. Some work harder than others (in real life and game) Is completing the weekly strike for 9 coins and countless amounts of strikes not considered earning?? Yea it sucks when your gameplay earned weapon is available to everyone. But what about all the people who have been to Xur almost every week to find that he's selling something they already have... I could almost guarantee you bout suros regime from him the 2 times it was available... Xur is important and so is getting stuff before everyone else. If you got "the last word" used it and told everyone you loved it, regardless of wether someone bought, or "earned" it... There is a great amount of reward and achievement knowing you can now tick that gun off your exotic list. :) lighten up mate
So you're telling me ranking up the cryptard and getting a legendary engram. And it turning out to be P&T is earning it? That is called luck my friend.
I "earned" the money to buy this game. So technically everything I get in game is "earned". Your logic is flawed.
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 11/14/2014 2:02:36 AMKinda funny how you "earners" get your exotics from RNGesus, wile others beat nightfalls, weekly strike,etc to buy them with the materials they EARNED. However I have no exotics so have yet to take a side so it's nothing personally, as annoying it is to be killed by suros seventy-million times in the crucible, I feel exotics are a BIG accomplishment.
The only Exotics that are earned are the bounty exotics so if you have a random dropped one from a boss fight then you lucked out and didn't earn sh*t, just like the people who choose to buy things from Xûr
Lol dude I beat the raid 20+ now couple weeks I only got shards, space, ships and guns. This is a troll post trying to get replies anyways you got one from me. This post should be deleted it's soo damn stupid.
I'm lvl 30 and I buy stuff from xur all the time, earned it all one way or the other. QQ
Please stop #sarcasm,it's been done to death.