Any class that plays a game without fearing death (self rez in sunsinger) is a pansy.
Titan gets into trouble, he drops a bubble that makes him impervious to damage.
Warlock gets into trouble, they self rez.
Hunter gets into trouble, well... Umm, we can cloak! Cloak that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't (I get hit and killed while cloaked all the time. Yesterday I cloaked during the shrine of oryx fight and I had those hive melee guys run across the map right up to me and one shotted me - while I was cloaked). A cloak that we either need 2 seconds without taking damage to activate, or run in melee and hope we get a hit off before dying to cloak us.
Who is the master race? The one that doesn't have a "OMG I AM GONNA DIE LET ME MAGICALLY REVERSE ALL CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS SO I DON'T DIE!" button.
(I know this thread is satire and so is my response)
I get all of it. Hashtagallthreeguardians
It is legitimate though, very legitimate
Edited by Skank: 11/12/2014 9:16:53 PMFire born definitely Instills powers that cloud out judgement, and I constantly mess myself up knowing I can hit the redo button.... I'm working on it Haha. The skill that halves all incoming damage is solid though, and allows me to be on the offensive like I prefer to be.
The class that wins with no panic button invincibility supers is the master race.
Moved to #bias
Edited by Inskey_: 11/12/2014 10:34:02 PMderp derp derp
I could have been clearer. I was arguing that hunter subclasses are the only ones that don't make you impervious (like the bubble), able to resurrect, or both invincible AND Insta-kill like nova babies and fist of panic. The only offensive supers that require you to actually go get your kills AFTER you kick them in. Master race
Ah I gotcha, I entertained the thought you were meaning that as well, wasn't sure. I agree haha
Don't hate on Space Jesus mode