originally posted in:Clan Grimoire
I'd be interested in hearing any other people's experiences, but this just happened to me...
I was looking at a webpage while at work and the screen darkened like it does when a lightbox pops up over the page, like for an ad or sign-up form.
However the pop up never appeared, so all I got was a darkened screen; and all I could think was 'a public event is happening'
Haha. Damn. #toomuchDestiny
I'm sorry to do this... but, I really can't help myself. When you look up on the tenth day with the new raid and you already have a complete set of raid gear! Whooo!! Am I right? lol
As the weather has turned cold, the car occasionally gets foggy from the edges towards the middle from the dog breathing, heat on, etc. I find myself driving in my car turning on the defroster yelling out "I need a cleanse!"
Today I was at the supermarket and the used by date on milk was the 9th of December. My first thought was "Ooh, Dark Below Day!"
haha thats a good one! For my part is my language changed. before destiny i never played with a mic in other games and specialy with english speaking team mates. so now i am cursing in english (mainly because of the pvp part) and when i try to explain the raid to my french coworkers all these raid slang words like cheese, adds, burn, wipe come up way to often and they all look at me with a big question mark on their forehead! lol