How the F@#$!!!! Does a lvl 7 one punch me?!?! This crap is ridiculous. I empty an entire clip into a lvl FREAKING 7 77777777 not 17 not 27 but 7!!! Not 7 minute abs, though I feel a little like the duffle bag man right now! A lvl 7 one punches me after absorbing an entire clip! Its BS. I want to like the crucible but GOD!!!! HOW DOES A LVL 7 ONE PUNCH A 29 WITH BETTER ARMOR?? BS BUNGIE!
Edit: I do see the humor in this BTW. Here lol lol lol lol. Better.
I'm getting the idea that many of you don't understand what I'm doing here. Notice the "duffle bag" bits and such. I'm simply talking and I find it humorous! So would everyone please, either A: stop posting on this all together. Or B: quit acting like 12 year old little brats and trying to pick fights with me. I get it, your tough! And talking smack over the net really shows your bully at school who's boss! (Worlds smallest violin) I'm sure you'd say it to my face.
Also, if you're not smart enough to understand sarcasm and over acting....feel free not to comment. But feel even more free to leave the house once in a a dictionary....or continue modeling your people skills after Sheldon in the big bang. Which, all be it AWESOMELY funny...I pity anyone with that lack of communication capability.
Edit: for clay51....I made an error and as a wife of a former marine I feel corrections are necessary.. I dumped a whole "mag" not clip ;-) lol
A level 7 x 9 = 63. That's OP.