You are on to something that a lot of us thought to be impossible to put into words and ever more out of reach of being seen/heard. I hope if nothing you mentioned in this very well worded n thought out post gets recognized, that at least they realize the potential this game truly has and how much people REALLY want it to work. I give you major props for calling bungie out on all the flaws that continue to let us down one person at a time and slowly (sometimes very fast) make us lose all hope for something that was very much anticipated. If anyone at bungie who cares, reads your post, then that person will most likely be getting a raise for improvement ideas. We need to work together as we would in a raid to see to it that a game we all want to see do well so bad, doesn't turn out to be a big waste of $60 plus DLC. Get It Together Bungie, Please...
I wished I can get a refund for the DLC pass. If I only knew the 2nd one comes out in March I wouldn't got it. Hell I most likely won't even have the game then or it be collecting dust.