Since Sony is so casual it hurts, and all the good PvPers were on Xbox - it's only right that we say goodbye.
Crucible will be so noob friendly that all your negative KDs might just hit that 1.0 now. Maybe. No promises.
Anyway it was a blast! I loved all the OHK mechanics, all the trades caused by terrible sync, all the scrubs I came up against because there was no skilled matchmaking, all the horrendous team mates I carried each and every game, all the incredibly well balanced auto rifles... And I definitely loved the variety in PvP - so many playlists!
Much love to the Community
the only ones playing on the bone are 1- unaware dumbasses that think just cuz 360 was great the following console must be as good. 2- brogamers with no brain. 3- kids who have one cuz their mom bought it. No one else in their right mind playing on this 792p box.