originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
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I've been in the VoG 3 times, cleared each time. Had great teammates and leaders, gotten some choice loot, and yet I still don't have a freakin' clue when it comes to the ebb and flow of phases of the raid. I'm just re-acting to whatever is going on, not pushing the action.
So, I've come up with a way of training that I think would help me better learn the Vault, rather than the current loot while you learn method. I would like to take on the Vault over the course of 5 days, spending approximately 1-1.5 hours per session. Each session will cover a specific section of the raid and I was thinking of doing one session alone on the use of the relic. During a session you work out the specific actions with as many wipes as it takes and then complete it to that spot so you have the save for the next days session. This in-depth, though much slower method is just how I learn better.
I currently have 4 fellow Unknown who would like to give this a go and I am working on getting our "trainers" with Loose Moose. For many folks this may seem too tedious or boring since it's easiest to just pick it up on-the-fly, and I get that...but my brain works better this way - so if there is enough interest we could probably put together a second group of five in two weeks.
This is great idea best way to learn anything is hands on experience that's how I learned the relic and how other parts work also if you know one side of the Map but don't know the other side go outside your comfort zone and learn the opposite side cause when your in middle of battle and side goes done you may be called to go over n cover that side for a bit a good raid group is all about diversity if you can hold n recover from sudden deaths of teammates it makes victory that much sweeter