originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Those of you such as myself planning to use [url=https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/php/]Googe App Engine with PHP[/url] with the platform would find that Google does not support cURL, which means you're forced to use file_get_contents, fopen, etc... which is incredibly frustrating. There was at least [url=https://github.com/azayarni/purl]one replacement[/url] I found which tried to make any of your existing cURL functions work, but it lacked access to some of the more intricate details I needed. So I went off and wrote my own and thought I'd share it.
It's pretty simple to use - I hope.
Main points:
- Use [url=https://github.com/dazarobbo/WebRequest/blob/master/Web/Session.php]Sessions[/url] to manage cookies. Load and save the session (the cookies) to a file.
- Probably shouldn't use it for anything too serious since I haven't tested it all very well yet.
- Limited to HTTP 1.0 requests since there's nothing to handle chunked transfers.
- Currently no restrictions on cookie sizes/amounts.
- Tries to follow RFCs as close as possible
- Requires PHP 5.4+
- Fun things with method chaining.
- Use however you like. Try it with http://httpbin.org/.
Edited by xXxStrik3XxX: 11/11/2014 4:12:32 PMi used curl with google just fine and with all four.. as far as getting to the login page. simple tweek is all needed... should i post my code here? Of course I may be confused at what your doing, my code is for simple web testing and loging in then obtaining the data.. maybe, cross script if necessary for an "easier" solution?