Why did bungie have to get rid of poles? Personally I thought they were a very fun and entertaining addition to this site. Sure they may have been useless in the grand scheme of things, but isn't everything? Anyways, who agrees? Moar poles.
Free poles 2013.
I don't know if anyone told you, but we did eventually take Poland back.
I heard your mother in this thread also misses the pole I still cant decide if you misspelled poll on purpose...or if you are as dyslexic as I am (aka very).
Being the designated "Pole Master' of Mythic Members, I do agree with your stance on the lack of polls on Bungie.next.
I don't know about your pole, but mine isn't useless.
Which pole? North, South, stripper...?
My pole remains intact. Sorry yours is gone.
I bet you do miss poles.