originally posted in:Smack The Platypus
Ever since the patch on the boss battle, many raiders have been struggling, as the teleportation is now random (or glitchy, as he sometimes decides on a random number to be sent through as well). So here dear friends is a simple step by step primer on what each position is expected to do to make this section of the raid as smooth as possible. Remember DON'T PANIC, lucky shots, unlucky enemy positioning and oops can and will happen. Dust off, take a deep breath and get back in the saddle.
First off, prior to even entering the arena, before the double relic retrieval, talk amongst yourselves and decide who if they get teleported handles the relic, if the raid is going smoothly and everyone is in no rush, I encourage that everyone take a shot at it so they can learn it.
1. Unless you are the relic holder DO NOT PRESS X when prompted, that picks up the relic.
2. Say where you are MARS/VENUS
3. RELIC HOLDER, say immediately, I GOT IT
RELIC USE: Left Bumper CLEANSE, Right Bumper BASH, Jump + RT Trigger GROUND POUND, Left + Rt Bumper (super) SHOOT
4. RELIC HOLDER runs down the stairs ( through the ^) and takes out the enemies.
5. RELIC HOLDER meets the oracle shooters on the stairs and cleanses the group.
6. RELIC HOLDER cleanses the group one more time BEFORE they pass through the portal
7. RELIC HOLDER pass through the portal FIRST
8. RELIC HOLDER on other side of portal turn LEFT for MARS / turn RIGHT for VENUS
9. RELIC HOLDER jump to center platform and put up SHIELD BUBBLE, (HOLD LEFT BUMPER)
10. RELIC HOLDER be aware of the Timer on the lower left, COUNT OUT LOUD FROM 10 SECS.
11. RELIC HOLDER on 3 secs drop bubble and jump to safety
1.ORACLE SHOOTER #1 shouts I GOT THE FIRST ONE, stays back at the spawn and shoots the first one at the ^(arch at top of stairs)
2. ORACLE SHOOTER#1 ( if a HUNTER with their super shouts I HAVE THE FIRST 3)
3. ORACLE SHOOTER #2 move to center of stairs. ON VENUS rocket or shoot the Praetorian to help the relic holder. ON MARS don't shoot the enemies unless the relic holder requests you shoot one due to positioning.
4. ORACLE SHOOTER #1 join #2 at center stairs, BOTH wait for CLEANSE
5.BOTH move toward the portal shooting the alternating side oracles, STAY TOGETHER so the relic holder can cleanse you.
6. REMEMBER the relic holder is also going BLIND, so unless you miss the cleanse, you don't need to tell them.
7.BOTH pass through the portal ONE AT A TIME
8. BOTH follow relic holder to center platform
1. DEFENDERS one stands on the LEFT PILLAR in the sync plate this is MARS, one stands on the RIGHT PILLAR this is VENUS
the third person may join either other one, or find suitable HIGH GROUND. This person should also REVIVE any downed comrade,..
3. DEFENDERS resist the urge to shoot Atheon, unless the field is COMPLETELY CLEAR OF SUPPLICANTS
4. The supplicants are suicide bombers, hence the HIGH GROUND. If they get passed your shots, a grenade is helpful. Also CROSS SHOOT as sometimes they hide behind the portals.
5. DEFENDERS join the center bubble group once the shield is up, KEEP MAKING SURE THOSE SUPPLICANTS ARE BEING DEALT WITH as they will merely kill everyone when the shield goes down.
SHAMPOO, RINSE, REPEAT until Atheon is dead.
Most importantly, try not to get frustrated and have fun. See ya in the Vault
Wow, that is a load of information and very helpful at that. If you have not yet done the raid or have been doing the cheese mode method. Please read this. This is a very helpful guide to becoming efficient in the raid. Thank you Whizdumb1.