I'm tired of waiting everyday just to get ascendent materials and only getting 2 after finishing the mission on lvl 28. For me to level up my gear/guns I need +3 each upgrade and I only get 2 from the mission. Every weekend they should make it that you could buy a set of 3 or more ascendent materials form Xur with strange coins or motes of light. Please consider doing this
You do realize if you do the raid each week you will end up with TOO MANY materials. I currently have 75 shards and 65 energy i dont need in the slightest.
Xur needs to sell upgrade materials! I hate getting 300 (spinmetal for example) at a time to finish all of my upgrades.
All these exotics, and nothing to upgrade them with.
I will second that. Cause once people get all the exotic xur offers and all guns upgraded fully, the strange coins would technically be for nothing.
Oh, dear god, yes.
That is one hell of an idea