Just started realizing that we don't have a staple class of most RPG's.....the white mage if you will.
Chances are the 3rd subclass is gonna be whatever that character doesn't have already. Hunter has solar and arc chances are 3rd subclass will b void etc.
I don't think we'll need it to be honest. Health revives really quickly.
I Dont want one because its usually boring to play yet becomes required for raids. I would like to see hunter get a grenade with a healing AoE though. Goes with a survivalist theme.
That's why I play an awoken mohawk
I'm thinking that a possible 3rd subclass for Warlock will involve healing and/or buffing allies as an option. Normally I wouldn't speculate like this, but one line spoken to me by Ikora Rey caught my attention. I don't recall the exact line, but it went something like "[i]Tired of being shot at out there, warlock? The tower could always use more healers.[/i]" Which implies that at least some 'locks do in fact have the ability to heal people.
I don't think we will... If anything every class will have their one or two healing skills that you could spec for... But I don't think they will make a subclass with a ranged healing super or anything to that standard. I'm not sure if I'd even want them too.
Between the Defender and the Sunsinger you have your healer/buffer classes sorted
Defender Titans are as close to a healer as a FPS needs. They can give overshields, a protective bubble for time to regen health, and attack boosts. They are the support/healer class. Health bars are small and not worth a dedicated subclass for "healing" anyway. Try to find cover more often. =)
Technically defender titans with blessing of light could be considered healers
And we never will. Similar to Guild Wars 2, Destiny does not follow the "Holy Trinity" archetype of typical MMO's. However in Destiny that's mainly because there really isn't an aggro mechanic, and your health auto regens anyway so a healer would be pointless.
I hope they don't add a healer subclass, I can picture the complaints with one in PVP
You don't need a healing class? your health regens over time...you heal yourself, without having to do anything more than duck for cover..
Healer is irrelevant when you refer health all the way.
Holy -blam!- this game is not an MMO stop treating it like such. Not to mention healing would be completely useless in this game
I dont see the point of healing here i wouldnt mind more supportbuffs though from all classes for example faster reloads more damage done less damage taken etc.
I was gonna make a post about this. Lol
Titan bubble isn't a heal? When you're red and get in there and get that armor isn't that equivalent to heal?
Tank neither if you think about it, norhing that can take more dmg than the other
I seriously doubt there will be. All the supers are either support, ranged or melee so it's highly likely the third subclass will be the one each class is missing.
Recovery times are so fast that I feel like a healer would be kinda useless. I do like my Light Beyond Nemesis with fast revives though.
I believe there will be a heal grenade in 1 of the future subclasses.
Closest you'll get is a Titan or Hunter with Crest of Alpha Lupi chest. Faster revives. But who knows? Maybe the third subclass will be a healing type.