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originally posted in: Deej, about last night...
11/8/2014 4:40:33 PM
Assault Rifles don't exist. there are Automatic Rifles, and there are Single-shot Rifles. Explosives were homemade long before they were mass produced.

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  • making homemade explosives is not what you do in affect.. e.g. when you are angry... using bought ones if you stockpile them in the cellar, will be used when angry / desperate/ whatever emotional mood strikes..

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  • What? Are you seriously trying to say that someone who makes explosives only does so for fun? That only people who BUY explosives can use them in a negative fashion? hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha u dumb bro :)

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  • i wont even reply to this dumb mess of a try of a troll answer.. do you even think, bro?

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