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originally posted in: Deej, about last night...
11/8/2014 4:08:30 PM
"you have an assault rifle and placed explosives around their house? you're holding the family hostage? you want 20,000 or else? OKKKKK, before you do anything crazy lets just take one quick step backwards. i just need to verify your identity sir. can we start with your social and date of birth? righhhhhhttttt, would you be willing to snap a photo of your drivers license and email it over so I can upload into our database for verification of identity? we like to know what type of hostage takers were dealing with!" lol good idea. ps, glad you're ok bungie guy. gamers is cray

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  • first error: why are assault rifles availliable for normal, civillians? second error, why and how can you obtain explosives? third error, you can still ask at the front door, curiously this works in pretty much the rest of the world.. ?

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  • Assault Rifles don't exist. there are Automatic Rifles, and there are Single-shot Rifles. Explosives were homemade long before they were mass produced.

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  • making homemade explosives is not what you do in affect.. e.g. when you are angry... using bought ones if you stockpile them in the cellar, will be used when angry / desperate/ whatever emotional mood strikes..

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  • What? Are you seriously trying to say that someone who makes explosives only does so for fun? That only people who BUY explosives can use them in a negative fashion? hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaha u dumb bro :)

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  • i wont even reply to this dumb mess of a try of a troll answer.. do you even think, bro?

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  • Because most gun owners are not mass murders that's why assault rifles. Explosives are easy to make and you can even buy some for cheap. Lastly they didn't know if the yard really did have explosives and you can't really risk sending a guy to the door if he could of been blown up.

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  • that nails the problem.. the access to such deadly weapons is simply too easy.. overwheming majority of the world has understood this issue.. i will not say that the way the police acts now wouldnt be appropriate.. its just a shame this has to be appropriate..

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  • Machine guns are not the problem they account for 25% of all shootings. While 50% of them a pistol was used. The only way to stop most shootings is to remove gun ownership, and that will not happen. They can pry it from my cold dead hands if they want it. For explosives tannerite is a good explosive it only explodes when you shoot it. It's good for long rang target practice. You can buy 20 1/2 pound targets for $60 dollars. 30 pounds pounds of that stuff blows a car up easy.

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  • [quote]For explosives tannerite is a good explosive it only explodes when you shoot it. It's good for long rang target practice. You can buy 20 1/2 pound targets for $60 dollars. 30 pounds pounds of that stuff blows a car up easy. [/quote] problem identified....

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  • Because not all citizens in the United States are crazy. I've owned an assault rifle at one point. It's mostly because "why not?". It's like owning an expensive car. You don't need it but it's nice to have and how you decide to use it. Well let's hope you know what you're doing.

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  • you should be a police negotiator bra

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  • Homemade explosives... You cannot stop everything.

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  • Edited by Hellekeen: 11/8/2014 4:24:21 PM
    appartently pretty many countries in the world can prevent this pretty good ? is it magic? Here in norway the police doesnt even has guns while on duty? they only are outfitted with guns while some threat..

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  • Edited by Slicedmass: 11/8/2014 4:40:07 PM
    Yeah a lot of countries have strong gun control. I'm not American just so you know but the USA fukked up royally. They can't implement an extremely effective gun control system now that they have had decades upon decades of terrible gun laws that have over populated their country with guns. I wouldn't be surprised if the US has a larger gun population than human population. Edit: Here we go and there you have it, USA at the top with 90% They are way way way above anyone else.

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  • Edited by Hellekeen: 11/8/2014 4:44:55 PM
    i guess kanada has more per head, but no automatics and military grade stuff.

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  • I was close, they have 90% guns compared to people.

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