Yeah shields
Nope, youee dead
Nope shields stupid
> calls me stupid > talks like this [quote]I already left and the data that is gone because the plague the stuff i stole was how to load my gun without exploding[/quote] > u fokin srs [spoiler]ps your sead becausenyou got that shield outta nowhere so You = dead[/spoiler]
I took them off my freightor
Yeaaaa you're not 26, maybe 6 [quote] freightor [/quote]
Shut up dood
[quote]dood[/quote] Do you even grammar? [spoiler]and real mature Mr. 26 year old[/spoiler] [spoiler]p.s your dead, lol![/spoiler]
[quote]Shields weren't up until after Bardocks turrents shot me deader than dead[/quote] Fix'd
Omg you spelled a sentence without an mistake! Here's a gold star ☆
That wasn't gold you color blind moron.
> calls me moron > can't spell a sentence correctly or get metaphors > u fokin srs m8?