Considering that these guys go through giant doors or you fight in giant rooms having to previously walk through a tiny door would be weird seeing them walk around. And if I can solo these dudes without cheesing I don't think they'd be too much of a hassle with 16 people shooting at them. Fun, yeah it would be, but only if you got drops as rewards for it otherwise it's just some giant stumbling oof that no one wants to waste time killing XD
when the hell have you seen sixteen people in one place at the same time in destiny. no tower dosent count
Hmmm considering this game is a shit hole and nothing to do with no content never, but the fact that this hypothetical idea was brought I out in the max numbers of any given area. So you tell me sir have you seem a roaming phogoth? Hell no. So shut it. Now if there was why wouldn't 16 people flock to it?