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11/6/2014 3:49:51 AM

Shotguns Grossly Overused. The Fault of the Map Selection?

Add More Map Diversity! Use other Weapons Too!


Leave Maps The Way They Are! SHOTGUNS DAMMIT!


Hey everyone, vVvDARK WOLFvVv Here, ok, so in light of my recent rage filled rant, (which I will never speak of or even refer to beyond this point, once again I apologize) I decided to make a slightly more..... mindful and organized post. Ok, So, Shotguns, I by no means hate the weapons, they are great weapons for delivering immediate punishment to a target whom has the misfortune of stepping into your sights. HOWEVER, I have noticed that with the exceptions of a couple of reasonably large maps, these weapons are horribly overused. Namely due to the cramped style of many of these maps that practically force you to use shotguns, if you don't wish to be at a major disadvantage. I find this kind of map style tolerable, but still not exactly something that I would rely on as far as map design goes. Because these styles of maps cause the shotguns to be over used to the Nth degree, and that's when i start to grow irritated with people that use shotguns constantly, and even more so makes me reluctant to use them, I am by no means BAD with them, in fact I find them quite easy to use in many situations, but as someone who prides himself on his ability with a sniper rifle and a hand cannon, I find myself only using shotguns when I play as my titan, whom i have geared towards being in the thick of battle 90% of the time, and even then I only really use it in PVE. So I am not saying take shotguns down a notch, but there needs to be some serious map variety, much like previous Bungie games had. Having all these maps where its use shotgun or die is not good. I want to feel like i have a real choice in what weapons I use. and I feel like map variety would help greatly. its OK to have close quarters shotgun oriented maps, but there needs to be an equal amount of maps suited for the use of the other two special weapon types as well. otherwise you suffer having one weapon always being over used as is the situation right now. I think providing map diversity will also improve weapon versatility, and greatly increase the importance of the other weapon types in the game. I don't like feeling like I am gimping myself on over half the current maps simply because i don't wish to use a shotgun. Well that is all from me, As always Any and all feedback is appreciated, and I want to know the community's opinion on the matter. SEE Y'ALL STARSIDE! TL;DR: Still don't do these, sorry, and I will keep trolling with them until people stop relying on them! lol.

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  • Edited by LONE RONIN2012: 11/6/2014 10:15:31 AM
    Why would shotguns and fusion not be over used? As I stated in another thread there is a saturation of special ammo locations to where you never have to use your primary weapon, and you will always have full special weapon ammo. This combined with poor map design that, other than 2 maps, is all extreme CQB which is what these weapons are best at. Rather than nerf the shotgun and fusion, which function as they should except the shotgun that needs a rebuff, all special ammo creates need to be rewrote to only give primary ammo. Special ammo and heavy ammo create drops need to be limited and not allow an over saturation of the ammo in game, as there is now.

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  • I agree that there are not enough large open maps.... I think there is only 2. We need a large selection of maps which cover both Long/medium/CQ battles

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  • There are no problems with maps. Problems are with play style. Most of the people like to play run'n'gun, and shotgun is perfect for that. There are plenty of places where you can snipe or make an ambush with your fusion. It is harder than running with shotgun though.

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    7 Replies
    • I use shotgun quite a bit (for the buckshot bruiser bounty) and I thought with the various smaller maps it would be really easy but it's not. Holy crap it's tough to use a shotgun now. I do think they balanced them well. The range on them gets me frustrated but I realize that it's appropriate. When I do get a kill they are really close and unless they have a shotgun as well they are asking for it. What special weapon do you use? To combat shotguns I recommend fusion rifles. They're my favorite. You can even hip fire them. Just learn how the charge time works and they work great for mid range so you can hit a shotgunner well before he's in range of you.

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    • The shotguns already took one substantial nerf. They don't need another. Fusion rifles 1 shot players at medium range, rendering shotguns very underpowered in a lot of gun battles. Unless you are defending a point in Control, the fusion rifle is a better choice.

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      1 Reply
      • Destiny has taught me one thing. Humans never evolve a defense to a shotgun in the face.

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      • I want a map that has a huge canyon running through it and one bridge to the other side. That could make for some awesome sniper battles and bridge skirmishes.

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        1 Reply
        • It's not the shotguns that's the problem, take a look at the special ammo spawn time....

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          7 Replies
          • Rigged poll, but you're right in that we need maps that aren't so close quartered.

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            1 Reply
            • I think people whinge too much. You wait till I get my universal remote fully upgraded. We'll see your complaints then.

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              3 Replies
              • To bad nobody will play any maps that have open areas. The moon is a perfect example. Half the team leaves every game.

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                6 Replies
                • Basically they need more maps that arnt so cramped and bottle necked.

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                  • I made a post that touched on this subject. I think remaking maps or creating bigger ones isnt too helpful, bigger maps mean people will just lean on snipers. My proposal would be to reduce points you earn per kill to reduce with every kill you get with the same weapon. So normally 1 kill is like 100-110 points so if some camper scrub chills in a corner with his fusion rifle and never puts it down theres nothing stopping him but if lets say each times he gets a kill he earns 10 points less with each successive kill with a fusion riffle reducing all the way down to 50 points per kill so he wouldn't be helping the TEAM as much tempting him to put that crap down and use his primary. Also people relying purely on SUROS for kills would have to engage in closer combat with there shotty or fusion. So there wont be one answer for the crucible like bungie wants, it lowers frustration from the campers, and makes it so you focus on the team aspect. And this feels like something bungie devs can do pretty easily.

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