I have been pushed off edges too many times to count while I'm AFKing on strikes. You people have something against this perfectly viable strategy, so you feel the need to ruin my game. People who do this are probably just jealous that I have so many more exotics than they do.Well, that ends now. Every time someone pushes me off the edge with their sparrow while I'm going AFK, I will report them. What you are doing is griefing, and it is against the Code of Conduct. It is a BANNABLE OFFENSE. I will report everyone who even TRIES to push me off the edge and you will get permabanned from PSN, Xbox live, and/or the Destiny servers. Come at me haters.
Edit: people who have been reporting this post will be reported. PS: whoever tells me wether or not this post has been hidden gets a cookie.
Edit 2: Keep up the support guys! We need to make this thread trending so that all those pushers out there will know not to mess with us and that they will be punished for their actions! Keep bumping this thread guys!
Edit 3: To all those people telling me to stop AFKing because it's wrong: I PAYED 60$ FOR MY DAMN GAME I CAN PLAY IT HOWEVER I WANT TO!!!!!!!!
Edit 4: To all those that say that you can't get banned for pushing, you're wrong. It happened to like 3 of my friends and they all got console and IP banned.
Edit 5: For all the people saying that they payed 60$ too so they can do what they want, guess what: YOU CANNOT!Griefing is against the TaC of XBL, PSN, and Destiny. AFKing isn't. Why is it so hard for you people to understand???!!!
Edited by psdaos: 11/6/2014 1:09:18 AMActually you can't play it how you want to. You have to play Destiny how Bungie intended it to be played or they will patch whatever your doing. Just play better and stop dying. What your saying is you paid $60 dollars to let other people play for you because your too lazy or not skilled enough to prevail on your own. Report me, report my friends but know that we're reporting you as well for your cowardice and sloth. You don't deserve to wield the light, let alone call yourself a Guardian. Edit: I know it's satire, people that AFK for a bounty or to farm rewards off of others work need to be banned and go back to playing Hello Kitty Island.