It is unfair. Plain and simple. It is exploitation of a broken game element. The final fight is supposed to give you hell and it does if you do it legit!
But I have seen several 27 ~ 29s using vexs and saw a few level 30s who aren't worth shit in raids.
The people who do it the legit way are far more deserving of such rewards, cheesers should be penalized for exploitation.
You fix the loot cave, you fix the OP guns but what about people who exploited the game? I say track down records and discard the cheese rewards.
Or if you find that too much, at least put a dunce hat on dem cheesers so we can spot them from a mile!
We spend long hours shooting and coordinating with players to do it the legit way, but some 27 warlock gets an Atheon CP and gets done with it in minutes. No it can't be compared to killing it the legit way, no matter how much practice it takes... Its an abuse of an exploit.
Support this cause, people who don't deserve raid gear shouldn't be using it!
" final fight is supposed to give hell and it does if you do it legit" Lol no, with a competent team you can kill Atheon in 2 teleports or even faster if you got Gjalahorns. I cant wait for Xur to sell it again the people will cry to get it nerfed because people are beating the already easy Atheon fight even faster.