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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
11/5/2014 2:15:23 PM
Title should be renamed: angry child refuses to pay for DLC after over-hyping the game and setting their expectations for release too high. If you want a better game, keep supporting the development team with the money required to operate a business in today's modern society. If you want free video game content go hop on an ad based PC game with garbage dev support. It will cost you not even a penny to play with their product. This is a long term project. We will see updates in the form of patches, DLC releases, and probably expansion packs (or a 'huge' DLC pack) which will all require extensive time and energy to develop - again this costs money and the only revenue stream for this game is by direct purchase. Be glad there's no subscription fee for multiplayer services... Or a pay to win microtransaction payment model. This community needs to wake up to reality, or just let the adults take part in the decision making processes, because clearly the majority of posters here seem to think you can operate a huge business and create the next best game with zero financial capital. Bungie and Activision can have my money, because they deserve it to continue improving upon an already amazing foundation for a game. I just hope the rest of you would mature a few years and realize what is realistic and what belongs in a fictional utopian novel.

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  • I like you. In a platonic way, of course. You actually know what's going on.

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  • Yeah, cos you know, Bungie really needs your monetary support with their 500 MILLION dollar budget. Whatever I'm sick of people defending this game, I didnt pay for a story that will be completed 5 or 10 years after release. I would think with a 500 million dollar game there would be more than 5 hours of story but no lol.

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  • Actually, they kinda do to stay in business. Any company out there has to have a revenue stream to both pay their employees/shareholders and continue to function as a business. That's why most MMOs usually have subscription fees and/or microtransations: to fund content that can cost them a lot of money and time to make as well as polish.

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  • The net worth of Bungie is irrelevant to this argument. If the game is showing negative trends to the return on investment Bungie will pack up the Destiny team and move them to another project prematurely. They are a business not a charity, that is the logical economical decision. A handful of people are upset? Cool - that gives them a good direction for what needs improvement in the game.

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  • 500 million isnt their net worth you idiot it was the budget for Destiny. You said if we want the game to be better we need to support it by buying the dlc's and shit. Im saying if they spent 500 mil. On this game then i shouldnt have to but dlc to make this game better. The 500 million should have made the core game great but it didnt. Please read my comment before you reply next time.

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  • Ugh... will no one ever LEARN?! The $500 million was the LONG-TERM INVESTMENT by Activision for advertising and whatnot (which has been successfully been returned), NOT the development budget for Destiny! Bungie has their own budget...

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  • Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/5/2014 7:01:13 PM
    For me I'm not the one that need to grow up as grown up know a thing called, value for money. Destiny isn't. We also know a thing called false advertising, which Bungie did with Destiny. Either that or they ripped the story out for some unknown reason. As for your business acumen I don't think you understand the simple grown up premise, that if people aren't happy they don't come back. You thinking that you are somehow the adult voice in all this makes you sound like a knob, just so you know. So maybe you should shhh and stop being a Bungie fan boy and read what's been written about the story by Bungies before the games release. However that's up to you, as all things you do are. You can sit there for 10years playing Bungies/Activisions cash cow and expect little in return or you could do what us grown ups are doing. That's to not give Bungie and Activision another penny, until they treat there fans right.

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  • So your going to sit there playing Destiny for 10 years? Being completely supportive for the next decade? Yeah ok, you do that. I have better games to play

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  • For the next decade? Unlikely. I will continue to play and subsequently purchase DLCs as they are released while I'm still playing. I never pledged for how long I will continue to support Destiny, I never said I would follow it to the end. However as long as content is added and features are modified here and there to keep the game interesting, I will probably continue to play it in my free time. The game is great so far, in my opinion one of the best shooters currently available (with an active community). Until something new and improved pops into the picture Destiny will be my go-to shooter. You have your traditional competitive multiplayer arena - The Crucible, and you have the pseudo-open world coop mode to play through and farm in that feels very familiar to the mechanics of an RPG. So until someone delivers a better shooter in either one, or both of those aspects I don't expect to be removing this game from my shelf any time soon.

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  • [quote]For the next decade? Unlikely. I will continue to play and subsequently purchase DLCs as they are released while I'm still playing. I never pledged for how long I will continue to support Destiny, I never said I would follow it to the end. However as long as content is added and features are modified here and there to keep the game interesting, I will probably continue to play it in my free time. The game is great so far, in my opinion one of the best shooters currently available (with an active community). Until something new and improved pops into the picture Destiny will be my go-to shooter. You have your traditional competitive multiplayer arena - The Crucible, and you have the pseudo-open world coop mode to play through and farm in that feels very familiar to the mechanics of an RPG. So until someone delivers a better shooter in either one, or both of those aspects I don't expect to be removing this game from my shelf any time soon.[/quote] RPG's live and die by there storylines, destiny has none.

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  • Telling someone to "grow up" is a super way to make your point.

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  • The fact that bethesda releases a full game and then actually EXPANDS with DLC shows that it is possible. Now i kniw Bungie is not bethesda, but this game and people with your attitude have shown me the error of my ways. bungie is not bethesda, will never be bethesda. I have seen the error of my ways and will stay away from bungie and stick with bethesda. Now unfortunately i was sucked in by the marketing and stupidly preorded both the game and dlc digitally, so i am married to this game until they are released, but i will not be supporting bungie any longer

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  • What is it that makes this "not a full game"? From everything I have played so far this is a full game that has plenty of room for improvement-just like any MMO or other multiplayer game that is released and then continuously worked on and developed as it evolves with it's community. The game is functional, it has been officially released, and there are no aspects that say "unavailable" to the users as was clearly evident in the beta. You also don't have premature level/skill caps. I am still missing the point of the original argument here... We have been sold a full game, albeit it doesn't have a storyline riddled with endless hours of cutscenes. Launch was focused on gameplay mechanics and working out stability bugs. Once all of the major bugs have been addressed then we will likely start to see larger content updates, significant portions of newly added content will once again cost money and that doesn't just appear like magic, so we are charged for it. If you don't want to support the game leave when you are bored with it.

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  • The campaign is short and disjointed, leaves too many holes and questions. Whether you ascribe to the cut story Reddit thing, or just judge it based on previous Bungie releases, there's an argument to be made.

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  • I was saying that something like tes is a full game and the dlc expands its own storyline. Where as the destiny dlc is completing he story. As for unavailable content?i present to you the blocked off and fully explorable dlc (albiet through glitchng) that is currently on disc. The short and incoherent story is not acceptable as complete. They are in fact making this game a de facto subscription based game through the extortion that is dlc.

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  • Shut up with the, cant you see its a long term project. Yes we know. They have been working on this game since b4 next gen was even a rumor.

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  • And what is your argument? Yes they have been working on it for a while, if you would like them to continue working on it these people will need to be paid, companies are not yet run by non-human entities and are therefore still bound by human necessity, one of which is currency which is required to live and survive in modern society. So again a free product is not the answer. We do not live in a world where you get things for free, everything has a cost. I bring up my aforementioned statement: be happy there is no subscription fee, or a pay to win microtransaction revenue model. Buying a DLC pack every few months is much better than a monthly fee, or a micro system that begs you to spend $5-10 here and there on a regular basis to stay current.

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  • We paid for a rich cinamatic story. Said product was not recieved. Now they need to make it right. It's simple. Just like if you went to the store and bought a TV, got home and said TV was broken you expect the store to make it right. Not asking for anything that hasn't been done before. So keep defending your point of view but this is over.

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  • Edited by Dryzal: 11/5/2014 3:59:37 PM
    Correction: you paid for the release version of this game's software. At it's heart this is still a business venture which yet again requires finances to continue development. You were not cheated by any means other than your own personal interpretations of a statement on the box. No game aside from the copy pasted games like call of duty is released "completely finished". This concept should be understood by the gaming community by now, that is why we have updates and a development team continuously working on the game codes utilizing what user feedback they can to to push the game in the best possible direction as both a money-making revenue stream and as a form of entertainment we call gaming. I stand by Dnasty... Your analogy is flawed.

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  • Your analogy is flawed. Destiny functioned as a game at launch.

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  • So long as you recieced a game and it was named Destiny you would be happy.

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  • Irrelevant. Your analogy is still flawed.

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  • They sold us a product that was not advertised. On top of the many bugs this game has. I honestly haven't known too many games with these problems. And the dlc being ripped from the game is just so bad. This game has been in development since before ODST. No reason it should be operating at the poor level that it is

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  • "Gameplay shown is subject to change." What does this phrase mean to you? The existence of bugs in this game is irrelevant. Every game has bugs.

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  • Stop dismissing everything like you made the game. If you're ok with mediocrity then hey that's you. But the rest of the hardcore Bungie fans know they can do better and have done better. Yes I understand what's advertised won't all be in the game. But there's too much advertised that's not in the game. Way too much. The games they've made in the past were never this bad this late into release. As for money. They've made their money. If they keep it up they're going to lose a lot more fans and be stuck with passive fans like you. I understand the need for more money. But this isn't the way. Borderlands has a smaller fan base and don't ask for anywhere near the amount of money Bungie is asking for.

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