Right to the right of the jumping block zone is where you jump from! All classes can make it! Why use jumping blocks when they aren't needed :P
that laugh at the end tho
Thanks man, do it while it's available. "Baby bumpers added to force players to use blocks as intended"
There are really people out there that didn't know this?
Edited by Cintron: 11/7/2014 6:25:03 PMOr just jump straight off from the initial ledge and use no blocks
I just use my arc blade and lunge all the way to the vault of glass entrance lol
Edited by washboat: 11/7/2014 2:03:09 PMNext thing you know people will start cheesing the Gorgons because they're too difficult...
I can do it as a Worlock no problem with the way i go
I've been doing this since my first raid attempt.
sir im sorry to tell you but this is how its done ............
No, god no, please don't tell me this as been posted... There goes my shortcut in next week's update...
Edited by Sgt Cabose: 11/5/2014 2:38:24 PMAnd Striker Titans with a super can use Death From Above to rocket their way all the way to that wall too. Watched a couple guys do it last night. Pretty cool way to do it.
Edited by Tekn0z: 11/5/2014 5:31:03 PMDon't you need triple jump for doing this? I tried this as Warlock and almost died. I've managed to do it before but I prefer the 'normal' route now. I am pretty sure I'm the only one on this entire planet that actually finds the "normal" way of doing it the easier way, but not all the way - like just a couple of platforms.
You should be banned for spamming YouTube vids. This has been know for a month now.
Ive jumped from the left path to the finish but sacrifice my shield doing it lol.
Or go to the left, through the cave, and try making it across on the alternate set. The first ones really far down but if you can land on it it's not too hard.
People use the blocks? I just triple jump my way across.
Really you had beeing jumping the blocks since now???
I didn't know anyone actually used the blocks lol.
Edited by PmL StrykeR: 11/5/2014 4:09:16 PM.0...
Welcome to the Vault of Glass. Everyone has been doing this since day 1. Please take a seat with everyone else.
I've run the raid a few times. Funny thing, I just realized that the jumping blocks go all the way to Atheon's door. :P My buddy informed me "that's the way you're supposed to go". So what then is the little cave for on the wall we all use? Any guesses? I've always figured a chest might spawn there under certain conditions... That, and that island vex portal opposite Atheon's door looks jump-reachable from the 3rd to last vanishing block... There has to be something we're missing...
Mfw been doing this since the first day of the aid
This is prob one of my favorite spots of the entire raid!
Thanks,will try that next time.Sometimes I make it the 1st try and others it takes a few tries.