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11/4/2014 12:02:30 AM


This video is a 35 minute long valid argument against Destiny and its true intentions. I have been lied to and cheated. Now brought to light by someone of extreme intellect and dedication to fight for what is right. This video explains all that is wrong and corrupt in the world of Bungie and Activision's creation. This Frankenstein's monster came out to appeal to a very mature audience and purpose. This was meant to be a very mature and intellectual game with the storyline and progression. Yet it was cut and trimmed to appeal to a much younger "ten year old audience". This disgusts me and I hope to make a stand against the terrible "greed and incompetence" of the system. This is a stand for future generations to come to give them quality material. If you say "Oh, it's just a dumb game. You're an idiot for caring." Do you realize how much money these companies and corporations bring in? The revenue and profit for these games is ridiculous. This is one of the leading industries in the world! If they can cheat us as consumers over a "dumb" game, what do you think they will do in the future regarding other things? This starts with Bungie and Activision but this can be seen throughout gaming history. Microsoft, a leader in software and computing. Can you imagine what they could do to us as consumers if they followed into the flow of greed and took our hard earned money and put it into a piece of garbage? (Not saying that this is or isn't already the case) Take a stand for your money. For your time. For your future. Watch this video and see for yourself what a failure Destiny is compared to its original glory. [b][/b] After watching this video: What do you think Bungie and Activision should do? Leave your answer in the comments.

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