I'm hoping some of the more experienced MMO guys might be able to answer this, but with the new DLC coming out and the level cap raising to 32, does that just mean that one set of raid armor from the new raid will be available to reach 32? Does the base level cap of 20 stay the same? Will those who refuse to raid be forever stuck at level 29?
What bungie is claiming to do noe. Is selling 2 pieces of lvl 30 armour to those with iron banner rank 3. Im assuming those alone will upgrade to lvl 32
I see it there now, but that doesn't address my question moving forward with the new DLC. That paragraph just means that Iron Banner players will have access to some more powerful gear next round.
Which im assuming will help them reach 32.
The only way to reach level 32 will not be through a special event like Iron Banner.
Its not the only way but it could be a possible way to keep everyone playing differently
I'm all for more ways to reach level 30 and beyond. Having the raid be the only way seems to limit the rest of the population.
Indeed. But I enjoy raiding more than pvp imho. But we all got opinions
I hope you are mistaken. So far they have done a very good job of balancing content between PvE and PvP with Raids being the only exception. I doubt that Iron Banner rank would be required to reach the new level cap. My concern is that it will be regular activities max at 29, VoG max at 30, Dark Within Raid max at 32.
Thread: weekly update 10/24/14 Disc: we build bridges Where: under weapons and armour middle paragraph Check for yourself bud.
you need 4 pieces of level 30 gear to be at 30. If you have 2 iron banner pieces and one exotic you still need 1 raid gear piece to be 30. Once DLC comes out only way to reach 32 will be through the raid
This sounds very likely. My question stems around reaching level 30 or 31 after the DLC comes out. Currently without doing the raid, players are able to hit level 29. Will that continue to be the cap or will some of the new gear released in the DLC (outside of the raid and Iron Banner) allow users to go beyond the current limit of 29?
Maybe the exotics will.