Ok so I have 2 level 30s and a 26 now, I have no lifed this game since release and I have a serious problem. Before Destiny I trained 6 days a week! I ran a half marathon a week before the release.
Now I'm slightly fat, I don't see sunlight apart from when I go to/from work and I decided to stay in on Friday rather than go to a party with my girlfriend.
I need an intervention and it's all Bungies fault.
Stop using sparrow and it may help your weight. Spend more time with your gf while in The Tower. Oh wait.....
At least you're honest and strong enough to admit your problems. That is the first step to recovery. Here, take my hand, I will guide you to the light my friend.
Nerf Destiny
More hotpockets?
you need a poop barrel
What does this have to do with buckets?
How did you get the Bungie emblem?
Maybe AW or WoD will be your intervention