Oh yeah? Well let's start. In America women are far more likely to receive college scholarships while also receiving 60+% of college degrees. They consume 65+% of all healthcare, while living an average of 10 years longer. They initiate 2/3 of divorces, while receiving custody over 80% of the time. Their sentences are significantly less when they commit the same crimes men commit, and they're far more likely to have them reduced afterwards. They're 50% of the population, while making up only 5-30% of the homeless, less than 10% of those who die in the workplace, and less than 25% of those murdered. They don't get drafted, and they don't die in wars, all while receiving hiring preferences at all major employers. Society literally privileges you in every conceivable way. And I haven't even touched on all the informal benefits you get from white knights just for being female.
You want to talk about research, but you provide no arguments whatsoever to back up your claims. Help yourself to some google searches, you frakking deluded idiot.....errr......'mate'.
It's not "politically correct" to hold views like these but they are indeed quite compelling.