I'm 14, love anime, Destiny and chatting to new friends online with my Playstation camera.
I'm looking for a group of really friendly, helpful guys to help me through the raid, bonus if you can have a cam to cam chat with me on Playstation!
Thanks in advance boys, please post here and I'll add you tonight <3 x
Some people [i]do[/i] read tags, actually.
Someone's going to fall for his trap card..
Why do have to put you love anime in there? This is destiny not dragon ball z. I really hope this is a troll, what has this generation become.
I love you Lamby
Edited by VersatileSquid0: 11/7/2014 3:45:16 AM(Laughs ass off picks up thorn) so where to start the soul reaping
Its a trap!
Hi, I'm 4, have short white and black hair, and love dragging my ass on the carpet.
Support Pink Guy!
Gawd. When will it end?
Haha..great tags.
Lol 14 yrsold I can smell pedobear is coming!
[quote]I'm 14, love anime, Destiny and chatting to new friends online with my Playstation camera.[/quote] I really hope this is a troll..... If not and you are really 14 and really advertising on the internet that you have a camera.... I pray your mother sees this and takes away your playstation and computer and phone and anything else that might get you into trouble, obviously you have not learned about STRANGER DANGER! If this thread is a joke, it's not funny and if it's real.... it should be pulled by a moderator
lol normally i wouldn't mind helping someone out but you sound too much like a troll. i've had experience with internet trolls/catfishs and stuff along those lines so i don't wanna get involved in that shiz again. this is probably a joke though with what people are commenting. inthatcasehavefunbye.
Edited by PallidWhite: 11/4/2014 4:05:51 AM#firstthingididwasreadthetags... #lol
Seems legit
This screams repressed sexuality
This didn't need a new tread. Just because you're a girl doesn't suffice. There's a bunch a raid groups you can post up in sorry. Sorry, I just hate reading the replies these threads get from trolls and weird pedos.
Funny. The tags were a great touch.
Jokes on you, I'm a horse
The Troll lv of this one is over 9000
*pulls out torches and pitchforks* C'mon Fellow forum,Let's chase the Heretic!! n.n
It's a troll !!! :( And to think I had a bag full of attention to throw in here
Wasn't chris hanson picked up on the same thing he was "protecting" kids against? I'm pretty sure he made the show to study child predators to become the apex child predator... no facts in this, just heard rumors
read the tags before you guys embarrass yourselves :)
You forgot the "job" at the end of the title.