Just thought since the PSN 2.0 update came out I'd upload this clip that I have had. Thanks for any comments or support or even constructive criticism.
[b]EDIT:[/b] Thank you to everyone who watched and are watching my video. I had no idea that I would get nearly 1,900 views overnight. For those that say that I was using cheap tactics and to do what I did in this video required "No skill" I would like to invite you into the same situation and to perform the same. I also died a few times before I started the killstreak and that was because I was playing like I had teammates to back me up which ended up failing. I needed to change my game plan get to place where I could control my environment best and that was in the hallway. This let me control behind me and in front of me while also limiting easy access to me by multiple players. I recognize that no everyone will like the gameplay or the play style but I thank everyone for the positive and negative feedback. It made my day this morning when I saw my first real video get 1,900 views in one night :D
Also for those wondering I was using a[b] Shingen-E[/b] with a stability perk and a [b]Black Chasma Esc[/b] upgraded.
[b]EDIT 2:[/b] WOW! Thank you all for all your feedback! This video was a quick after thought last night before I hit the sack and now I have 3,000 views! That's crazy. I hope to post more videos of good gameplay in the future. To see more sub and I will get those videos out as soon as I can. Thanks so much again!
[b]EDIT 3:[/b] I uploaded a new video of my very first "Mark of the Unbroken" medal. I go 37-0. Here is the link: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dnkbCFRlmg[/url]
Let me know what you think on these forum and in the video comments.
Nice, really good tactics for those close corridor engagements, same thing happened to me on the large moon map. It just took some Patience and Time to beat the other team until some friends joined my game.
I gotta try this death from above blinks shotgun down melee combo
Seriously, all the people saying hunters should be nerfed, and the Bladedancer should be nerfed, if they nerf that, then they have to nerf all of those Titan chickens who Launch a fist of havoc as a last resort after getting tagged with one bullet or Melee. TO KILL ONE PLAYER. Void walkers do something similar with the Nova bomb but that's more debatable in my opinion. I think the classes are well balanced. Titans and Warlocks are a dime a dozen, but Hunters are about half that population. What gets me is I've seen people complain about Hunters not being good in raids and strike and whatever, but then complain about them being too good or over powered in the crucible. The game can't balance everything. If you want straight balance why not play Halo 3? Same loadouts, pickup weapons. Destiny isn't designed to be a fair game 24/7.
Edited by Wythelastman: 11/3/2014 1:05:35 PMNice job man, I can hear the butthurt through the video 0_O
GG, that was amazing. Makes me actually want to use blink again. May I ask what assault rifle that is?
Amazing clip, the only thing that pisses me off is that the guy t-baged you at the end. People like that ruin the game.
Blade dancer + blink + shotgun? Smh
Good shit That blink jump boy!
this is you OP [url]http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JustOneMan[/url]
haha i ve done that too (didnt get relentless but got 3 merciless) show those noobs who is the boss, a bad team is worse than no team if you are good enough
Edited by PoseidonOvr9000: 11/3/2014 8:54:03 AMThis video made me fall in love with blink again Also for everyone busting on you for using that strategy... It was -blam!-in 1v6! I would a pulled out any form of 'cheap' strategy to win. I bet those people would stick with The Last Word and run around trying to 1v6 then LOL
That was awesome bro, makes me want to revisit the blink ability after abandoning it. Jukes for days.
Good stuff. It's honestly been known for a long time now that being outnumbered in a FPS slayer match is actually an advantage. This comes from someone who played several games competitively including Unreal, Quake, and Halo. Plus, it's just fun when it's you against a whole team.
Hows my video. Im not by myself, but it seemed like the enemies where just coming after me. Just showing that the Pocket Infinity is still an awesome weapon. http://youtube.com/watch?v=AnFjN3_5ZfI
I should give the teleport another shot :) Great job
U kinda just camped but props for the guns you we useing
I see nothing wrong with your strategy. I think it takes skill to use blink effectively. My son uses it all the time but I'm an absolute mess if I try it.
Regardless of the nefarious devices used to accomplish the kill streak, my hats are off to a gamer who actually persevered and stayed in the match. Most would have quit.
Blink + shotgun combo. Why am I surprised
not really good if you playing against bad players...
Niceeee usually i hate blink shottys but not gonna lie that was pretty bad ass.
Those camper skills tho
Well played run, and solo too. Hats off.
Hunters = Lone Wolfs But in all seriousness that was damn good. You're making me think about going back to blade dancer again lol