Being a recent player to join the dirty thirty club, I'm interested in hearing fellow guardians plans On what's next, are you upping your other 2 classes to 30? Massing cruiciable/faction ranks? Helping out on raids? Discuss.
Hit 30, helped a few hundred ppl with raids, and bam , no more destiny COD TIME
I'm 19 dead orbit don't see a max happening soon
omg lol.. I thought this post was sooo something else ..... about age IRL lol. :P
I'm kind of left with not a lot to do besides Daily Missions. I have my final character on-deck, but I can't find the motivation to level them up. :/
Just going to start a collection, work on my exotics that need leveling, help friends in a raid, I will make a new character eventually but right now I have 4 un upgraded exotics that need levels.
Don't go to the tower as a level 30 unless you want mass invites!
I haven't found any bathrooms in the tower. So when I need to unload, I find a Fallen Walker and let it hit me with its main gun. As my bloody corpse flies through the air, my bowels loosen. Moments later, my ghost regenerates me and my gear, all sparkly and new.
Oh, I thought this was gonna be like a cougar dating thread.. If there just happens to be any middle-aged moms reading this--*takes off sunglasses* I don't mind stretch marks.
I have one 30 and two 29s. Need a body for titan to be 30, and need to more raid pieces for my other warlock to hit 30. Probably going to keep playing buy what I can to stack shards/energies. But I get plenty in the raid. I'll Have 200 Vanguard/Crucible marks for the D:C, Hope theres some new stuff to buy. I just keep being a Sherpa for the raid until then.
I gave my controller to my girl. Much more fun watching someone who has never played a ps game before figure this game out. She's level 9+ and going strong !
My plan is to delete one of my Hunters ( I have two because the other classes are horribly boring to play and there's not enough content to just have one character), roll a Titan, unlock the Titan achivement, delete the Titan and roll a new hunter. I wasnt that satisfied with the look of my human hunter anyway.
Gearing my 3rd titan to dirty 30 as we speak only need to more pieces then BOOM
I finally got my raid gloves, just gotta level them to hit 30. I still want Atheon's Epilogue and Skull of Dire Ahamkara maxed, probably will take until the DLC comes out, if not onto my Titan alt
I keep meaning to level a Warlock and a Titan but invariably find myself doing strikes, helping with the raid, playing crucible or finding some other excuse to shoot stuff with my Hunter. I'll probably have the other characters in their 20s by the time the expansion launches though. Probably...
I'm always getting asked to help with the raid. I have done certain parts of the raid more times than the whole raid itself.
I'm just leveling up my Titan and Hunter. Need them shards though.
[b]Letting my titan on my other account catch ebola from the vex[/b]
Getting a warlock and Titan to 30 and helping out where possible also trying to get as much vanguard rank as possible on my hunter (but that's kinda continuous)