No not the pvp game modes that I wreck people in...The Item.
I just played a game on moon base. Joined late so I didn't get to top my team like I usually do.
Anywho games ends. And I see that someone on the other team got an item called the Crucible. It was purple text. I literally cannot find anything about it on google.
Side note: When will I see a legendary reward from playing the crucible? I usually hit the top spot or close to it.
It means they ranked in crucible. I'm rank 11 or something in vanguard but I've only seen that text a couple of times as it only displays if you rank up in-game, usually it's when I give in bounties.
I think it's when they rank up in the crucible and they get one of those chryptarch packages but for ranking up the crucible.
that means you hit crucible rank 3 and can now buy crucible weapons