Juts handed in a couple bounties and got the Vanguard Mentor Missive bounty that simply reads hand in to the dude who gives bounties, However I cannot hand it in.
He has the green hand in symbol above his head but there is never the usual hand in prompt when you access him.
This is the second time this has happened, Anyone know a way to hand it in?
Abandoning the bounty gains me nothing so a better option is preferable especially since that is what I had to do the first time this happened 2 days ago.
Thanks in advance
I have an account which is also seeing this problem: PSN Account: MomOfAnubis Active bounties: Depleted Hand Cannon, Darkness Infused Pulse Rifle, A Request From Ikora, & Vanguard Mentor Missive. Go to the Vendor, can't turn in the Vanguard Mentor Missive.