Is the City/the Tower near Russia?
Against: you can't see the Traveler from anywhere in Russia, as far as I can tell
The map lists them as separate places
The Tower has signs in English, French?, and an Asian language, but I don't think I've seen Russian. (Although the Tower is definitely post-collapse, so maybe that's more indicative of surviving peoples than location.)
Pro: Even though you can't see the Traveler from Russia, your first trip to the Tower shows it to be obscured by large mountain ranges and heavy clouds
The Wall. The Wall protecting the City looks a lot like the Wall in Russia. The one you have to get inside of during the very first mission, immediately after you're brought back to life. There's repeat mentions in many places of the Fallen being "at our walls," but the visible conflict with the Fallen takes place near the Cosmodrome, along the Russian wall.
Thoughts? Any info I've missed?
Yeah, why do we go into the wall, but they're basically all walking freely in them? Oh, and if you're by the speaker, go off to that small balcony to the right of his entrance. If you look down to the right, there's a gaping hole in the wall protecting the city with a forested area in that hole. I thought that was really bad, because any enemy could basically breech into the city through that forest. So, there may be multiple walls. Kind of like the show Attack on Titan.