Here's the story of Little Joey and Little Billy. One night Little Joey and Little Billy decided to play Tiger Strikes together. After two strikes Little Joey receives The Last Word as a reward while Little Billy just gets blue engrams. Little Joey is excited beyond words and leaves Little Billy to go play with his new gun in Patrol. Little Billy decides to play a Tiger more to see if he can "earn" the same reward. After 5 days and 257 Tiger Strikes where Little Billy has done everything from get those most kills, to not dieing at all, to soloing strikes because his teammates just leave at the beginning he's yet to "earn" the same reward or even same quality of weapon as Little Joey. So to the people who hate Xûr or say that they " earned" their exotics; why hasn't Little Billy "earned" the same weapon or weapon quality as Little Joey?
Little Joey's an asshole and soon after became "bored" with Destiny and started a downward spiral of drug and sex addiction.