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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 6:05:00 PM

Dear Deej, I wrote to you but you're not bothering. I left my name, My gamer tag, And my main e-mail at the bottom. I sent two letter this past Autumn, You must not-a got 'em There probably was a problem on the internet or something Sometimes I misspell e-mails too, Sloppy when I jot 'em But anyways... -blam!- it, What been up? I like that the VoG is harder. Just beat it, with my wife, my son and my daughter. Aetheon didn't stand a chance, total slaughter. Oh I got a dog too, guess what I'm gonna call her. I named her Bungie. I read about the bad reviews and I'm sorry At least your not going under like, Atari And I know you probably hear this everyday But I'm your biggest fan My room is a Bungie shrine man I don't believe DLC is a scam Anyways I hope you get this man I love all your work This is Erk! My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all. Dear Deej, You still ain't responded or wrote, I hope you have a chance, I ain't mad, I just think it's -blam!-ed up you don't answer fans If you didn't want to talk to me outside the studio You didn't have to. But you could have signed cover art for Matthew That's my little brother man He's only 12 years old. We waited in the blistering cold For four hours and you just said no. That's pretty shitty man Bungie's like his -blam!-ing idol He want to make game just like you He loves you more then I do. I ain't mad though, I just don't like to being lied to. I remember waiting in New York for Halo 2 You said I could game with you, you never did I'm feeling blue It's ok though, the games help me drift away So when I have a shitty day Pop in Destiny and press play 'Cause I really don't got shit else So that shit helps when I'm depressed I even got a Bungie tattoo across my chest Sometimes you have to cut content, it doesn't make the squeeze But this time it killed us, brought us to our knees As my pocket bleeds, why don't you hear our pleads? I'm begging you please, fix this -blam!-ing game, Before you release the DLC's!! So you have to respond back Make some sort of contact This whole situation is just whack Hit me back, I know your at work Your biggest fan, - Erk My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all. Dear Mister I'm too good to address or write my fans This'll be the last time I'll ever write your ass, It's been six weeks and still no word? I don't deserve it? I know you got my last two letters, I wrote everything in it perfect. This game was awesome But all you've done is -blam!-ing nerf it. Things still broke, oh wait, Look a pumpkin head outfit. How about you fix that monkey, Aren't updates suppose to make the game less clunky? Better yet how 'bout you contain that -blam!-ing zoo Having second thoughts about getting Destiny 2 What am I'm suppose to do, Put my trust back into you? I don' think so, this isn't fair You proved you no longer care, I'm done forever, Can't wait for Advanced Warfare Least while I'm there, I can hear what people have to share. We'll talk about how Destiny became this shitty nightmare. Well gotta go, not much time to spare, I'm about to merk Your ex biggest fan -Erk My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all.

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  • Did you ever do the raid when it first came out? When nobody knew the puzzles or tricks? Where we went in blind, not knowing what to expect. The vault was indeed the hardest mission I have played across any game ever. It's been simplified and cheated so much that it takes my group 45 minutes to run through the hard raid. Even with the bugs we kill Atheon in two teleports. If you're still complaining about how the vault is bugged, yet you push the Templar off the map. You're a dumbass. Plain and simple.

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  • Just checked your stats on the raid, you dont even get near my stats hahahahhahah youre such a douch

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  • And I just checked the stats. I have a 7.25 kd for the raid when you have a 5.55? I fail to see how my stats don't come near yours lol.

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  • Hahahaha "wait hold on guyssss? This guy is saying he got better stats, let me check this out first" ;););););)

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  • Yeah when people claim they have better stats I check so I can prove them wrong. Seeing how you've completely dropped the original bitching, my job here is dumb. Go ahead and play a game more your speed like fable 3 and viva piñata. Come back after you can carry you're own weight in the raids.

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  • When did i biych then hahahaha youre such an idiot, nobody has to carry me true the raids you dumb -blam!- hahahah

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  • What stats? My kd? Because I've been exploring the vault almost every time I do it, (I.e. jumping into death rooms and turn back zones). And you actually go to my profile to check my "raid stats" you're a dumbass lol, I fail to see the logic in checking my stats. "Hold on guys don't start the raid yet, I gotta check the stats of this guy whose proving me wrong on the forums," XD

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  • And you DID push him off you big pussssss

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  • Hahahahahahahaha why are you assuming im playin destiny and doing the raid?? Also dont you think ive never done that??? You sir are an idiot and i dont even get why you would comment on my comment cause i make a valid point:"dont release a mission if its not perfect;)". OMG you just made me laugh so hard:) thanks..

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  • I just checked all my stats for the raid and my lowest kd is still better than your highest XD get better at gaming in general kiddo. And the "raid" (not mission) is fine as it is. You're just complaining cause you suck at the game. It's okay though i can recommend you a game more your speed. It's called Fable 3, it's got swords and guns, oh and you can be a princess! ;3

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  • Hahaha you win okay? Youre so good at videogames man i honor you for that:) maybe i dont need so many kills to finish the RAID lol douche

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  • You certainly need less deaths LOL!

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  • It says 0 kills 10 deaths.. stop pushing him off and do it for real.. can you promise me that? Also stop talking cause its going nowhere, you are really good at videogames and tricking the game:)

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  • When did I ever push anything off the map? Were you there? Do you have video or picture evidence suggesting I did that? Didn't think so. I've always done the raid legit. The fact that you go through my individual games further proves my point that you're a salty retard lol.

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  • Whahahha wow man you are so good at videogames!!! Where did i say it was hard??? Where did i say i pushed him off??? I never pushed him of cause i hate cheaters. Play the game as it is intended to;) you -blam!-ing dumbass man lol hahahah -blam!-ing hell what you want to hear?? Youre so good at doing the vault.. did i say it was hard now? No and if you make a mission like that it has to be perfect before you release it, youre such a sad little boy who wants to let everybody know he is an awesome videogamer... pfff please dont make me laugh please, i was talking about the hard mode and if you say that is easy, ypu mean easy pushing him off;)

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  • The greatest -blam!-ing thing I've ever read

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  • Wow, you must not read much.

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  • Smoke another rock with the family, then You all can eject destiny from your consoles and snap the disc in half buy your family a decent game like hmmmm, what did I play with my family growing up well Baseball, basketball, -blam!- go rent a paintball gun and actually shoot each other up I dunno some of these posts rant and complain and go on on on... But in all fact it's more sad to see the 100s of people complain about a video game, an unhistorical event something that will not change life as we know it.... People have real problems and if your problem consists of a traumatic let down by a company "Bungie" for a 60$ game then you really need to open your eyes... Yes I play destiny not cause it's great or somthing epic but it's still somthing new to play and if your on xbox one like my self you would realize we over payed for a shitty system that costs 5 times as much and it really has no amazing games on it.. We could have Ebola or Aids and be poor with nothing in a third world country.... Can't wait too see you all in halo 2 anniversary hope my battle rifle can still double shot on the fly an my bxr still a one pop you all.... God I miss the h2 hardcore game days Bungie you will always have a soft spot with me for the halo franchise and I wouldn't read into the bs from most of these schmucks keep on trying to captivate your audience....

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  • Edited by enderprime: 11/10/2014 2:08:41 PM
    I too have warm fuzzies left over from the Halo days with my friends around the original xbox, but that's no excuse for a half-done game. The release story was less than 20 hours. That's not worth $60 I don't care what name you put on the box

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  • Edited by StabsUsoGood: 11/6/2014 2:40:23 PM
    This. [url=]Slim shady[/url] approves.

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  • [quote]Dear Deej, I wrote to you but you're not bothering. I left my name, My gamer tag, And my main e-mail at the bottom. I sent two letter this past Autumn, You must not-a got 'em There probably was a problem on the internet or something Sometimes I misspell e-mails too, Sloppy when I jot 'em But anyways... -blam!- it, What been up? I like that the VoG is harder. Just beat it, with my wife, my son and my daughter. Aetheon didn't stand a chance, total slaughter. Oh I got a dog too, guess what I'm gonna call her. I named her Bungie. I read about the bad reviews and I'm sorry At least your not going under like, Atari And I know you probably hear this everyday But I'm your biggest fan My room is a Bungie shrine man I don't believe DLC is a scam Anyways I hope you get this man I love all your work This is Erk! My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all. Dear Deej, You still ain't responded or wrote, I hope you have a chance, I ain't mad, I just think it's -blam!-ed up you don't answer fans If you didn't want to talk to me outside the studio You didn't have to. But you could have signed cover art for Matthew That's my little brother man He's only 12 years old. We waited in the blistering cold For four hours and you just said no. That's pretty shitty man Bungie's like his -blam!-ing idol He want to make game just like you He loves you more then I do. I ain't mad though, I just don't like to being lied to. I remember waiting in New York for Halo 2 You said I could game with you, you never did I'm feeling blue It's ok though, the games help me drift away So when I have a shitty day Pop in Destiny and press play 'Cause I really don't got shit else So that shit helps when I'm depressed I even got a Bungie tattoo across my chest Sometimes you have to cut content, it doesn't make the squeeze But this time it killed us, brought us to our knees As my pocket bleeds, why don't you hear our pleads? I'm begging you please, fix this -blam!-ing game, Before you release the DLC's!! So you have to respond back Make some sort of contact This whole situation is just whack Hit me back, I know your at work Your biggest fan, - Erk My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all. Dear Mister I'm too good to address or write my fans This'll be the last time I'll ever write your ass, It's been six weeks and still no word? I don't deserve it? I know you got my last two letters, I wrote everything in it perfect. This game was awesome But all you've done is -blam!-ing nerf it. Things still broke, oh wait, Look a pumpkin head outfit. How about you fix that monkey, Aren't updates suppose to make the game less clunky? Better yet how 'bout you contain that -blam!-ing zoo Having second thoughts about getting Destiny 2 What am I'm suppose to do, Put my trust back into you? I don' think so, this isn't fair You proved you no longer care, I'm done forever, Can't wait for Advanced Warfare Least while I'm there, I can hear what people have to share. We'll talk about how Destiny became this shitty nightmare. Well gotta go, not much time to spare, I'm about to merk Your ex biggest fan -Erk My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all. And even if I could it'll all be gray, Put your game on my facebook wall It reminds, that the game's not so bad, it'snot so bad at all.[/quote]jajajajaja

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  • I had to come back to this just to say I bet he wished he didn't wait for advanced warfare, lawl

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  • "Lawl"? Really?! Just say LOL.

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  • Hahahahaha funny as -blam!-!

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  • You sir. ....... just win at lIfe!

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