The suggestions you have are basically a complete redesign of the game. It's pie in the sky and completely unrealistic. Maybe it's something they could do in Destiny 2, but not in the foreseeable future.
Why can't you just enjoy the game for what it is? If you came for some epic story, you're right, it's not here. Bungie was never good at story, I mean Halo really makes no sense either. The beauty lies in the depth of character. The customization, abilities, the look, the weapons. That's the true experience.
What customization? You have shaders and that is it. Good abilities, the look, and weapons do not make a game good by themselves. They are relatively obsolete if you are missing a crucial component like the STORYLINE.
Dont think that if a game comes out and it is a poor representation of what it was supposed/sold to be that a complete redesign is not out if the realm of reality. Final Fantasy 14 had to strip down its failed system, hire a new producer and relaunch the game in a 2.0 format. Its been done before and if Bungie wants a 10 year game, they should consider the same. Bump
Because the claims he makes are what the game was originally supposed to be. But they wanted to appeal to both gens, people under the age of 15, and so they could make more money by releasing the original game content as DLC instead of giving us our game we waited 2 years for
Have you even looked at the extended fiction? I'm only 2/3rds of the way through the Forerunner trilogy and has changed everything about the universe.
Dude...the halo story makes no sense? your brain is literally the size of a peanut.