Just trying to share an awesome story
then give credit
And to think for 5 minutes you were the gem of my destiny app, you betray me with your "copy and paste" antics. I will cry salty tears for many moons to come.
I cry myself to sleep so often my eyes no longer exist.
False, the amount of tears shed down not inherently effect the existence of your eye lobes.
My whole iphone is in brail.... I'd prefer if you didn't make this a joke....
False, you can't print brail on a screen therefore your statement is invalid.
That's where your wrong sir. I just don't have time to explain why I can't explain.
False, lack of explanation has the explanation of there being no explanation at all, marking your statement invalid.
So then destiny and it's story is invalid?
Proceed with an attempt to explain this outcome you've obtain by no logical means.
"You've obtain"