I'm not stupid I've read plenty of forums that basically say what this person said its all the same with people that are unhappy with the game they complain about the same thing so what's the point of reading if by the first sentence I can already tell what it's gonna be about. People aren't stupid if they dislike the game so much that they have to pretty much trash mouth bungie not say this person did, but if you're gonna act immature and call bungie names and bad mouth them WHATS that GONNA do ? They're gonna ignore you straight up. I'm done with you guy lol you're just one of those people that Looks at things from one side B-)
You read one sentence of what he put and presume to know the whole thing. Try reading the entire post before saying something stupid.
Yeah I did :-) bro let me buy you a drink you seem stressed man
Not even remotely. I have to deal with people as dense as yourself constantly so its nothing new.