I have 14 level 55s in swtor. They gave me 8 unique class stories (some of which were really good), and have given me at this point several raids.
The problem with Destiny is it seems to have all the disadvantages of both shooters and MMOs and much fewer of their strengths.
Yes, but the FPS crowd has no concept of repetitive farming/strikes/raid til you can do it in your sleep...then just maybe we might get one good reward for every 10times... They would just rather bitch,piss,moan, and whine until the whole point of playing the game is gifted to them. But I'm probably going to check revan out in December and see what my first cartel pack armor/weapon sets go for these days
Even so this game really does seem to have the worst of all worlds. I've played several MMOs and have never encountered such an awful, convoluted, loot system in my life. I've played several shooters and none have had such a sparse and forgettable story (though I'm sure such exist)